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New “No on 4” Video Released & Property Tax Alert

By July 19, 2010No Comments

July 16, 2010

The “VOTE NO on 4″ Campaign has released the third installment in its “Story of St. Pete Beach” web-video series which features a Florida property owner hurt by a local version of Amendment 4.  The last two “VOTE NO on 4” videos have racked up more than 135,000 “hits” or views.  

Sharing these videos via email is a quick, convenient and cost-free way for you to help educate Florida voters on the devastating local impact of this anti-property rights amendment.

With more than 280 supporting organizations and nearly 2,000 volunteers, our campaign has been able to distribute web-videos quickly and broadly,” said Ryan Houck, executive director of the “VOTE NO on 4” campaign.  “We’ve also released dozens of volunteer videos, featuring business, civic and labor leaders sharing their views on Amendment 4.” Those videos can be found at

Citizens for Lower Taxes and a Stronger Economy (The “VOTE NO on 4” campaign) is the political committee which was formed to oppose Amendment 4. They are coordinating a grassroots network of more than 30 local campaign chairs and over 1900 volunteers.  To date, more than 280 labor, business, civic, and planning organizations oppose Amendment 4; more join the fight every day.  To access materials you can share with friends, families, co-workers and others in your personal or corporate communications networks, please visit


In a recent CPR newsletter entitled, “Protect Your Property, By Checking Its Working Value,” CPR stressed the importance of property owners pro-actively contacting local property appraisers to learn current “working” or estimated assessed values – in order to ensure that if your property’s assessed value has decreased, your official assessed value reflects the decrease so  your property tax burden may be reduced.  At the recent seminar hosted by the Akerman Senterfitt law firm, attorney Jim McCann underscored the importance of all property owners reviewing their assessed values this year because of market conditions. He particularly stressed the importance to non-homestead property owners taking pro-active action this year. He reminded non-homestead owners of the potential for multi-year property tax savings due to Florida’s relatively new 10% cap on non-homestead property tax assessments and of the potential 5% cap which would also take effect if Florida voters approve Amendment 3 in November. Vigilance this year will ensure that your assessed value reflects the full drop in market value and also accounts for the eight factors directly referenced in Florida’s statutes. If your assessment doesn’t drop as expected or does not accurately reflect the value of your property, you may not realize a property tax benefit in 2010 or future years. One of the speakers at the seminar referenced -35% value as his general benchmark for commercial property values, but stressed it was a general statewide guideline. With potential multi-year property tax savings on the table, smart owners will take a hard look at their assessed values this year.


Municipalities across Florida are holding public hearings on local budgets and property tax millage rates. As you might expect, rather than cut local government spending, many officials are considering millage rate hikes.  If property owners do not communicate loudly, municipal leaders may view the silence as apathy or even approval of their plans to hike millage rates. Raising property tax rates in a recession with double digit unemployment is simply unconscionable. If you have not communicated with each one of your local elected officials regarding your property tax rate, NOW IS THE TIME. Let your voice be heard.


One of CPR’s partners in the fight to defend private property rights – the Orlando Regional Realtor Association –  is hosting a series of “NO on 4” coffee presentations at locations across Central Florida. CPR encourages its members to attend and bring guests unfamiliar with the serious threat posed by Amendment 4. Attendance is FREE, but RSVPs to are appreciated. 

  • July 29 (Thurs.), 9-10 a.m., Panera Bread, 1210 S. International Pkwy., Lake Mary
  • August 19 (Thurs.), 4-5 p.m., Panera Bread, 1117 Florida Mall Ave., Orlando
  • September 9 (Thurs.), 4-5 p.m., Panera Bread, 696 E. Altamonte Springs Dr., Altamonte Springs
  • September 16 (Thurs.), 4-5 p.m., White Wolf Café, 1829 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando


Another CPR partner, the Citizens for Constitutional Property Rights (CCPR) organization of Brevard County, will hold its monthly dinner meeting Monday, July 19, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. at Jimmie’s Restaurant in Rockledge (Turtle Creek Golf community, off Barnes Boulevard.)  Speakers will include representatives from Brevard 9/12 who will discuss Project 9/12’s purpose and impact.  Members of the public and candidates for office are invited. For more information please contact Peachy Thompson at (321) 453-4433 or via email


Join the Coalition for Property Rights today and let your voice in support of a private ownership society be heard. Our rights are being eroded at an alarming rate. As citizens, we have only two choices: we can fight the erosion of private property rights with increased unity and collective strength in number OR watch America continue to move down the path toward socialism and complete government control over our land use rights. If property-minded citizens do not fight back, the end of ownership as we know it is certain. If you support the idea of private ownership and believe in your civil rights as an American citizen to own and control your private property, JOIN CPR or RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY. CPR is a non-profit organization whose work to promote and defend private property rights is entirely supported by the generosity of our members and sponsors. To sign up TODAY, simply utilize the following convenient link which also offers a mail-in membership form option.

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