This section contains information about Gaylord Merlin’s past results and testimonials. The information has not been reviewed or approved by The Florida Bar. Please review and acknowledge the information below.
Take into consideration before reading:
The facts and circumstances of your case may differ from the matters in which results and testimonials have been provided. The results and testimonials provided are not necessarily representative of results obtained by Gaylord Merlin or of the experience of all clients or others with our team. Every case is different, and each client’s case must be evaluated and handled on its own merits.
Not all past case results are provided and not all past clients have given testimonials.
Ranch Conservation Easement - Water Management District Taking
Initial Offer:
Final Recovery:
Vacant Downtown Property - Multiple Land Owners
Initial Offer:
Final Recovery:
Pasco County Highest and Best Use Taking
Initial Offer:
Final Recovery:
Hamilton Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Vacant Property
Initial Offer:
Final Recovery:
Florida Inland Navigation District
Initial Offer:
Final Recovery:
Taking of a Single Family Residence in Pasco County
Initial Offer:
Final Recovery: